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Tiffany with books at mantle for Voyage

Because I am a mom, too!

Our children deserve the best

For many children and families, a public-school education meets or maybe even exceeds expectations. However, for countless other children and families, the neighborhood school (for example) is simply not the best option. Many students need customized solutions, yet parents may find the task of researching and navigating the educational waters daunting, to say the least. 

As a mother of five successful children who have differing abilities, interests, and needs, I have spent years researching the options available to North Texas families. I understand how it feels to want a tailored educational experience for your child. For some, that means private school but for others it may mean homeschool, charter school, Montessori, university model, projected-based academies, and the list goes on. 

Yet far too many parents do not even know these options exist, or they feel schooling beyond the ordinary is possible for some but not for others, or that laws prohibit parents from making those choices. 

As a mother and veteran educator, I also understand that learning extends far beyond the classroom. From the gym to the fields -- inside the dance room and concert halls -- and to the dojo, involving children in extracurricular activities like the arts and sports is essential to developing the whole child. 

EDU Consulting was created with these realities in mind. After spending decades amassing information concerning education in North Texas and surrounding areas, I am happy to share what I have learned to help families make important decisions about their children’s educational journey. 

You need assistance finding the best educational fit for your child. I can help. 

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